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Whakaaetanga, i ngā kaupapa hanganga me te whakahou ake

Consents, building and renovation projects

Getting started on a project



Building and renovation projects and renovation projectsGuides to help you find out if you need a consent for your project, including; decks, fences, garages, sheds, gazebos, pools, re-clad work, heating, sleepouts, home renovations, water tanks and more.aspxBuilding and consents
Advice before you start your consent application before you start your consent applicationIf you are unsure about what you need to know or do before you apply for a building or resource consent, get in touch with us. We are here to help.aspxBuilding and consents
What can I do in my zone? can I do in my zone?Find out how to check your property zone and the different activities allowed in your zone. Includes information on different housing zones.aspxPlanning zones
What is a consent and do you need one? is a consent and do you need one?Find out what a resource consent and a building consent are, and how to check if you need one.aspxBuilding consents Resource consents

Building and resource consents



Building consents consentsInformation on building consents, including; how to apply, fees, certificates you need, changing a consent, checklists, appeals, producer statements, CCC, licensed building practitioners and more.aspxBuilding and consents
Inspections of building or renovation work of building or renovation workFind out what type of inspections you might need, how to book and cancel inspections and what happens during an inspection.aspxInspections
Resource consents consentsFind information on types of resource consents, how to apply, subdivisions, fees, earthworks, access ways, water permits, road naming, appeals, conditions, ongoing monitoring and more.aspxBuilding and consents
Tracking and paying for a consent application and paying for a consent applicationInformation on paying a consent invoice, requesting a refund, and tracking the progress of a consent application.aspxBuilding and consents
Consent exemptions exemptionsInformation on building work you can do yourself, owner-builder exemptions from building consents, and adding an exemption to your property file.aspxBuilding and consents

Building issues and legislation



Complaints and building fines and building finesFind out how to pay or dispute a building fine, and who to contact if you want to report an issue. Also, learn how we ensure compliance.aspxBuilding and consents
Natural hazards and safety rules for buildings and dams hazards and safety rules for buildings and damsInformation about building on land at risk of a natural hazard, and about rules for owners of dams or earthquake-prone buildings.aspxBuilding and consents
Commercial building systems building systemsGet a compliance schedule or building warrant of fitness (BWoF) for specified systems in your building. Learn how an Independent Qualified person (IQP) can inspect and write reports on your specified systems. aspxBuilding and consents
​Keep your swimming pool or spa safe​Keep your swimming pool or spa safeMake sure your pool area is safe and properly fenced, and find out about the regular pool safety inspections we conduct.aspx
Building legislation legislationRules and standards laid out in the Building Act and Building Code are there for your safety, and the safety of others.aspxBuilding and consents
Certificate of Acceptance (CoA) for unconsented building work of Acceptance (CoA) for unconsented building workA CoA provides a limited assurance that we are satisfied unconsented building work complies with the current New Zealand Building Code.aspxBuilding and consents

​Land, infrastructure and permitted activities



Consider stormwater when building stormwater when buildingIf you are doing any sort of development, one of the factors you need to consider is stormwater. Find out what you need to know about stormwater before you begin.aspxStormwater
Engineering approvals approvalsFind out about different types of engineering approvals, why you might need them and how to apply for one. aspxEngineering
Working on or around trees on or around treesFind out if a tree is protected and if you need to apply for a resource consent before working on, around or underneath trees on your, neighbouring, and council properties.aspxBuilding and consents Resource consents
Development contributions contributionsFind out what development contributions are and the types of projects you may need to pay fees for. Use our tool to estimate your contribution fees.aspxBuilding and consents
National Environmental Standards - permitted activities Environmental Standards - permitted activitiesNES are nationally-consistent regulations that set technical levels of quality that must be reached on a variety of activities affecting the environment. These activities include forestry freshwater use and more.aspxBuilding and consents Environment consultation
Designations and outline plans and outline plansDesignations are areas set aside for network utilities or large public works. Find out about outline plans and how they affect you.aspxBuilding and consents

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