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Panonihia ngā kōrero rawa whenua mōu – Whakahē i ngā kōrero o te Pātengi Raraunga Reiti (RID)

Change your property information - object to the Rating Information Database (RID)​

The RID records all property information in Auckland, and is used to set and assess property rates.

What you can object to in the RID

You have a right to inspect and, on certain grounds, object to our rating information database and rates records.

Our tip

This is not the same as objecting to a property valuation.

You can object to the information we hold on your property for the following reasons:

  • A rating unit included in the district valuation roll (DVR) not in the RID.   
  • Valuation information in the DVR is not in the RID, or is entered incorrectly to the RID.
  • The information included in the RID, other than information entered from the DVR, is incorrect (e.g. rateability information, such as location of the property).
  • A lawful amendment to the district valuation roll has not been entered into the database.

How to change your property information in the RID

You can tell us if we have your details wrong by objecting to the RID:

By email

​Complete the object to the RID form, scan and email it to

By post

​Complete the object to the RID form and post it to:

Auckland Council
Private Bag 92300
Victoria Street
Auckland 1142

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